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Wide DirectoryListing Details
ID: | 30553 | |
Title: | UL Certified Soft Silicone Cold Shrink Tubing Sleeve- Gamma Electronics | |
URL: | http://www.gammaelectronics.net/silicone-cold-shrink-specs.html | |
Category: | Business | |
Description: | Buy different types like medical grade, thin wall, food grade, soft, clear, flexible, bend radius, grip, cable, gel heel, jar, glass jars, of Silicone cable sleeve tube. UL Certified Silicone Cold Shrink Tube is specially formulated liquid silicone rubber that doesn't require heat to shrink. | |
Meta Keywords: | Silicone Tubing, Thin wall silicone tubing, Silicone Tubing Suppliers, Silicone Tubing Sizes, Soft Silicone Tubing, Clear Silicone Tube | |
Meta Description: | Buy different types like medical grade, thin wall, food grade, soft, clear, flexible, bend radius, grip, cable, gel heel, jar, glass jars, of Silicone cable sleeve tube. | |
Link Owner: | Peter Weyhreter | |
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