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Wide DirectoryListing Details
ID: | 43308 | |
Title: | Hochleistungs-Antriebsriemen | |
URL: | http://www.pixgermany.de/products/industrial-belts/range/wrap/wrap-muscle-belts.html | |
Category: | Business | |
Description: | Why not try the High-performance drive-belts at our website Pix-Germany which are efficient than the older multiple belt system and may consume less space in the engine compartment. These belts have exceptionally high power transmission, high effectiveness, higher temperature resistance, they are antistatic and also eco-friendly. | |
Meta Keywords: | Hochleistungs-Antriebsriemen | |
Meta Description: | These belts have exceptionally high power transmission, high effectiveness, higher temperature resistance, they are antistatic and also eco-friendly. | |
Link Owner: | Pixtrans | |
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