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Wide DirectoryListing Details
ID: | 46410 | |
Title: | Goldman & Daszkal, P.A. | |
URL: | https://www.goldmandaszkal.com | |
Category: | Politics Government Law: Lawyers | |
Description: | We take pride in offering personal service to each of our clients, treating every client with individual care and attention. We can help you get the relief you need to start living your life again after a serious injury. We have helped countless people recover the damages they need to cover medical expenses, pay bills, take care of their families, and get back to work. We handle cases involving injuries caused by accidents, negligence, and failures to follow duties of care established by law. | |
Meta Keywords: | accident attorney, personal injury litigation, drunk driving accidents, product liability, premise liability, insurance claims, construction accidents, boat accidents, truck accidents, animal attacks | |
Meta Description: | At the Florida personal injury law firm Goldman & Daszkal, P.A., we take pride in offering personal service to each of our clients, treating every client with individual care and attention. | |
Link Owner: | Glenn Goldman | |
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