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Wide DirectoryListing Details
ID: | 40782 | |
Title: | Floradelic-Buy Online Fresh Cut Flowers in Bangalore | |
URL: | https://www.floradelic.com/ | |
Category: | Business | |
Description: | Floradelic fashions personalized couture flower arrangements for any occasion. Order online now and watch as we work our magic into your celebration and give it that breath of fresh flowers, Ub city flower shop step into our store and take your pick from our signature selections. | |
Meta Keywords: | floradelic, Ub city flower shop, Ub city flower shop, flower arrangements for any occasion, deliver fresh flowers in Bangalore, Best florist in Bangalore, Luxury flowers | |
Meta Description: | Floradelic fashions personalized couture flower arrangements for any occasion. Order online now and watch as we work our magic into your celebration and give it that breath of fresh flowers, Ub city flower shop step into our store and take your pick | |
Link Owner: | lakshmi | |
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