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Wide DirectoryListing Details
ID: | 44012 | |
Title: | 4. Delivhr: Hassle-free experience to get your work done | |
URL: | https://www.delivhr.com | |
Category: | Internet: Software | |
Description: | At Delivhr, we seek to break the tedious cycle of hiring, firing and outsourcing, while giving you the opportunity to leverage remote talent. Simplify your operations by focussing only on deliverables. Let us take care of the rest. | |
Meta Keywords: | Delivhr: Developers on Demand |Quality Talent | |
Meta Description: | Get the team you need, when you need it. Delivhr provides Technology experts ranging from Front end to back end, Node JS, PHP, Ruby on Rails, Mobile App and more. | |
Link Owner: | Bharath | |
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